Understanding the Difference Between a Financial Advisor and Consultant
The consultant reviews the situation and assesses all factors and leads the company toward a decision that is the healthiest for the business overall. An advisor, on the other hand, works with a company on a long-term basis, pursuing pre-set goals from the initial relationship genesis.
GRC: The Cornerstone Of High-Performing Finance
CFOs today must think strategically. They must innovate. And they must work side-by-side with their fellow executives to keep their organization thriving in the face of new digital competition.
Supply Chain Finance Stays Off The Balance Sheet – But How?
For companies looking to improve cash flow, there is no shortage of options. The real challenge is finding an approach that doesn’t have a negative impact on the company’s financials.
9 Types of Effective Risk Management Strategies
Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks or uncertainties followed up by minimizing, monitoring, and controlling the impact of risk realities or enhancing the opportunity potential by applying coordinated and economical resources.
Cryptocurrency Market Analysis and Tips for Investing
Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency, traded between or amongst peers that can be exchanged and used as money. Cryptocurrency is traded online – it is essentially electric money – but can be traded in for the U.S. dollar or other currencies.
Should You Hire a Virtual Controller?
When your business first begins to grow, hiring a full-time CFO can be a big investment. To alleviate the financial burden of an experienced CFO, many small businesses are trending toward hiring a virtual CFO controller.
Cloud Innovation in Accounting and Finance
Digitization and cloud innovation continue to influence and propel accounting and finance toward new horizons.
Directorship Gains and Pains
CFOs who hold external board positions swear by the benefits, but the majority who don’t have good reasons for shying away.
Survival of the Fittest: The State of Cloud Finance
Every financial organization is today, in one way or another, involved in the cloud.
Blog Career Clinic: Why a finance background is essential for the top table
Two months ago I was told that, for the first time, more of the FTSE 100 chairmen had a background in finance than any other.
The Importance of Capital Budgeting
Capital budgeting follows a set series of steps that help businesses effectively evaluate investments.